The Wayshower
Travel with 21 year-old Sarah Miller as she dreams and begins her studies with the Masters of Light. As they peel back the layers of the world she perceives, she’ll realize there’s more going on than she was led to believe. If she can keep pace with her new friends, she’ll be initiated into the illustrious Mystery Schools of the 7 Rays, passed down from Lemuria and Atlantis.
Once she discovers the darkness coming for humanity, she’ll face the ultimate test: to fulfill her Divine assignment and prevent Doomsday on Earth!
Young Adult High Fantasy
Spiritual Science Fiction
Visionary & Metaphysics
Ancient Mythology
Story Universes
Waking Up!
Levels of Consciousness
Quantum Mechanics
Ancient Mythology
Navigating the Simulation
Multi-dimensional Reality
*Expanding your Consciousness
*Escaping the 3D matrix
*Upgrading to the 5D Earth
*Opening your ESP
*Knowing thy Self!
*Feeling God’s Presence